TeX Lion Full Size

The TeX Lion is the official mascot of the International TeX Users Group (TUG) which guides and promotes the use of TeX and LaTeX throughout the world.

Site Created / Maintained by Joe Struss


Introduction to LaTeX: LaTeX is a program that uses computer typesetting to produce high-quality documents. This workshop covers a quick introduction to LaTeX and covers all the basics one would need to write a short paper with LaTeX. Included is information on common packages used, basic mathematics, title page information and how to put together a short bibliography. (90 min.)

Class Handout / Powerpoint Slides (old) / Class Manual

Writing a Thesis with LaTeX: This workshop covers a brief introduction to the isuthesis package used to produce a thesis or dissertation with LaTeX at Iowa State University. Included is information on creating thesis frontmatter, adding tables / figures, putting in rotated tables / figures, and adding / citing bibliographic citations. (90 min.)

Class Handout / Powerpoint Slides (old) / Class Manual

Class Example / ISUThesis Package Information

Online LaTeX Classes: Information